Brain Research Foundation Scientific Innovations Award 2024

Brain Research Foundation is inviting eligible US academic institutions to nominate one senior faculty member (Associate and Full Professor) to submit a Letter of Intent for the Scientific Innovations Award (SIA). Brain Research Foundation’s Scientific Innovations Award Program provides funding for innovative science in both basic and clinical neuroscience. This funding mechanism is designed to support creative, exploratory, cutting edge research in well-established research laboratories, under the direction of established investigators.

Brain Research Foundation’s Scientific Review Committee will review the SIA proposals and make recommendations for funding to the Foundation. The Committee consists of senior scientists broadly representing the various neuroscience-related programs. A representative of Brain Research Foundation is also present when the Committee meets.

The objective of the SIA is to support projects that may be too innovative and speculative for traditional funding sources but still have a high likelihood of producing important findings. It is expected that investigations supported by these grants will yield high impact findings and result in major grant applications and significant publications in high impact journals.


The nominated candidate must be a full-time associate professor or full professor at a US academic institution that was invited directly by BRF via email, working in the area of studies of brain function in health and disease. Current major NIH or other peer-reviewed funding is preferred but evidence of such funding in the past three years is essential. Studies should be related to either normal human brain development or specifically identified disease states. This includes molecular and clinical neuroscience as well as studies of neural, sensory, motor, cognitive, behavioral and emotional functioning in health and disease. The grant proposal must detail a new research project that is not funded by other sources. This grant is not to be used as bridge funding.

Investigators at institutions that are affiliated with a medical school or university are eligible to apply only through the institution where they hold a full-time faculty position

Scientists that have previously received a BRF Scientific Innovations Award may not receive the award for a second time until five years has elapsed since the beginning date of the prior award. Grant requirements from all previous awards must be met. Only one PI may apply per application. (Applicant may include the name of a Co-PI within or from another institution, but no additional supporting materials for the Co-PI are required, including biosketch, current grants, abstracts, etc.)


  1. PI is ineligible if they are not a full-time faculty member at the institution in which they are applying under.
  2. PI is ineligible if they are an assistant professor or professor emeritus.
  3. PI is ineligible if they are a research associate professor.
  4. PI is ineligible to submit more than one BRF SIA proposal in a funding period.
  5. PI is ineligible if they have BRF funding that will overlap this grant period.
  6. PI is ineligible if they have been awarded prior BRF funding, but have failed to submit scientific and financial reports at the end of their grant period.
  7. PI is ineligible if they are a member of the BRF Scientific Review Committee.
  8. PI is ineligible if they are a relative of BRF a representative, including the SRC, as defined by the Foundation.

PI Requirements

To the best of the PI's knowledge, all the information provided in the application is correct.