OVCR Reimbursement of Animal Charges

This program is intended to help investigators transition budgets and funding under the new billing system where per diem charges for mouse and rats are calculated on a per cage, rather than per animal basis. The program provides flexible funding to affected investigators in an amount equal to the difference between the cage rate and the charges based on individual animals ($0.29/individually housed mouse/day; $0.48/individually housed rat/day; see http://research.illinois.edu/regulatory-compliance-safety/dar). This program is not intended to provide reimbursement for the unfortunate but necessary increases in per diem costs for individual animals of other species.

  • Applies to externally funded grants and to new faculty start-up funding with budgeted costs for mice or rats.
  • Applies if the impact on your research program is expected to be more than $2,500 per year.
  • Applies only for charges in FY16 and FY17.
  • Actual cage rates will be charged in regular DAR billing.
  • Requests are to be submitted quarterly or biannually. The firm deadline for a final request for reimbursement is June 20th of the given year.
  • Reimbursement requests will require the following information:
    • Requested reimbursement
    • Title of grant charged for cage rates
    • CFOP of grant charged
    • CFOP for reimbursement to be transferred into as flexible funds
  • Reimbursement requests will be submitted to DAR for review and then routed to the OVCR for approval of requested funds.
  • This program is an alternative, not an addition, to other OVCR supplement/reimbursement programs.


  • Eligible applicants for this program include tenure-track faculty and other researchers approved to serve as principal or co-investigators on IACUC proposals.
  • Applies to externally funded grants and to new faculty start-up funding with budgeted costs for mice or rats.

PI Requirements

  • The PI is responsible for consulting with DAR, meeting program requirements, and provides all requested information.
  • To the best of the PI's knowledge, all the information provided in the application is correct.